Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Time Is Now

I have decided that my time is now.

For years... years.....people have been telling me "You  should be a writer." 

What exactly is "a writer"?

I suppose someone who writes down stuff...perhaps it is that simple.  If it is...then I am a writer.

I have been writing down silly things for a long time.  For some reason I often want to share the silly things I write down with other people.  I send these silly thoughts scratched out in notes, letters, emails....and now in  blogs ( I have two).

The good thing about this particular blog though, is you can choose to come here to read my silly thoughts instead of me sending them directly to you.  I am always hoping that you didn't mind that I sent my silliness to you.

There is always the worry that I am filling your email box (or mailbox back in the day) with garbage you really do not want to take the time to read.

So this is my very first post on a blog that you can either choose to come and read, or you can ignore it.  It will be your very own fingers that bring you here.

These writings  I won't smear in your face like a melted chocolate bar....not like my other silly little blog.  That one I have no shame.   I shove cards into the hands of people at every opportunity with the web address to that blog printed on it

Shameless self promotion on my other blog...I know....sigh.

No, this one I will not promote so much.
I will tell you about it....maybe once.  Maybe twice.  But than it is up to you if you want to come and read what I have taken the time and effort to put here.

I hope some of the things I write  will make you laugh...I hope so.  Yet some of the things I write might make you mad...I hope not but maybe.

Most likely a lot of the things I write you won't agree with....because you are not me, and I am not you.  And that is OK.  I like that we are different.

Your experiences aren't mine, and mine are not yours.  We are our experiences.

So welcome to a small corner of my silly world.


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